Property code 789/12 Selling a mill ready for continued business, area 90 rai, doing business with CP for more than 10 years.

plus Created 2024-04-21 12:56
Extended 2024-12-08 10:16
plus Create 2024-04-21 12:56
Extended 2024-12-08 10:16


Rice mill for sale, drying rice for CP for more than 10 years Area - size 90 rai, frontage next to road 150 meters - Front yard size 8 rai, potential for rice milling - Rice milling capacity 250 tons per day - Rice storage tank 1,200 tons Potential for drying rice - 2 sets of rice drying cabinets, 12 sticks - drying fresh rice It can produce 550 tons of dry rice per day -Bake fresh rice It can produce 1,100 tons of dried rice per day. Warehouse - 4 warehouses -Total area 13,776 square meters, can store 28,000 tons of rice husk warehouse -1 warehouse -Can store 1,600 tons of rice husk Equipment for operating the business and others - 2 rice conveyors - 4 loaders, 1 truck (dump), 1 forklift (forklift) - 1 set of electric paddy rice juicy machine - 80 ton weighing scale (can be trailer weighed) and rice weighing program -There are 2 large ponds and 3 sets of water tanks with a prominent water filtration system -Convenient transportation and transport -Located in a high quality rice source -Paddy rice is collected 4 times per year -The mill is still in operation. Buyers can come in and continue doing business. -Safe from the 2011 flood, work not affected -The mill has standardized paddy drying. Able to bake paddy rice so well that it is famous and accepted by general customers -Trusted by CP Company to bake rice for more than 10 years -Become a warehouse for rent to the government for more than 10 years Offering for sale 170 million, if interested contact Mr. Pat Contact number line ID : @dhome789 (insert @ as well) or click the link to add Line

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Rice mill for sale, drying rice for CP for more than 10 years Area - size 90 rai, frontage next to road 150 meters - Front yard size 8 rai, potential for rice milling - Rice milling capacity 250 tons

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