Setthasiri Village, Phahon-Watcharapol, house never lived in, 1 year old house, Jovial house style, beautiful usable area 260 sq m., area 74.8 sq m.

plus Created 2024-04-29 19:29
Extended 2024-11-24 09:45
plus Create 2024-04-29 19:29
Extended 2024-11-24 09:45
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📌 Urgent sale, Setthasiri Village, Phahon-Watcharaphon, house has never been lived in, 1 year old house, Joviel house style, beautiful usable area 260 sq m., area 74.8 sq m. 💥 Selling at special price 17,900,000 baht (Half transfer) South 🌻House details: 3 bedrooms, 1 downstairs bedroom, 4 bathrooms, 1 living room, 1 upper relaxation room. Food preparation area, 1 Thai kitchen, 1 maids room, 2 parking spaces 🌻Facing south ☎️If interested, ask for details or make an appointment to visit the house, contact. Mr. Nat calls Contact number #House for sale in Setthasiri Phahon Watcharaphon Village. #House for sale ready to move in #House in angelic condition #New house for sale #Single house for sale

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📌 Urgent sale, Setthasiri Village, Phahon-Watcharaphon, house has never been lived in, 1 year old house, Joviel house style, beautiful usable area 260 sq m., area 74.8 sq m. 💥 Selling at special price

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