Urgent sale!! 3-story townhome, adding a roof to the front of the house and a full kitchen at the back of the house, Town Avenue Rama 9.

plus Created 2024-05-03 11:52
Boosted 2024-12-03 11:25
plus Create 2024-05-03 11:52
Boosted 2024-12-03 11:25


Urgent sale!! 3-story townhome, adding a roof to the front of the house and a full kitchen at the back of the house, Town Avenue Rama 9. • Selling price 4,300,000 (price reduced from 4,700,000) • Property details o Town Avenue Rama 9 Project (Sansiri Project) o Land 20 square wah o Usable area 162 square meters o 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 multi-purpose room o 2 kitchens o 1 living room o 2 parking spaces o Southern house Project facilities Swimming pool, fitness, club house, park Security system: CCTV cameras and 24-hour security guards Ask for more information or make an appointment to see the place. Contact Khun Ya Contact number, Khun Am Contact number

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Urgent sale!! 3-story townhome, adding a roof to the front of the house and a full kitchen at the back of the house, Town Avenue Rama 9. • Selling price 4,300,000 (price reduced from 4,700,000) • Prop

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