Urgent sale/sale at a loss Bangkok Boulevard Vibhavadi reduced to 3 million 064 274 8883

plus Created 2024-05-03 18:57
Boosted 2025-02-13 19:48
plus Create 2024-05-03 18:57
Boosted 2025-02-13 19:48
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Urgent sale/sale at a loss Bangkok Boulevard Vibhavadi reduced to 3 million 🔥 Bangkok Boulevard Vibhavadi from sc asset Vibhavadi - Ngamwongwan 47 The owner is in a hurry to sell. Price cut from 17.9 to only 14.9 million baht House Detail: Rental price 100,000 / month Land 54 sq m., usable area 248 sq m., 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 parking , front of house facing north , decorated and added some parts 5 air conditioners throughout the house, complete with furniture and electrical appliances. Ready to move in with remote control door / smart lock 2-layer curtains throughout the house (light blocking)- ID: EB-78 Bed: 3 Bath: 4 Usable Area: 248 sqm Land Area: 54 sq.wa Rental Price: 100,000 THB per month Sell Price: 14,900,000 THB Contact:Phone: Contact number Line: @eastblue WhatsApp: Contact number

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Urgent sale/sale at a loss Bangkok Boulevard Vibhavadi reduced to 3 million 🔥 Bangkok Boulevard Vibhavadi from sc asset Vibhavadi - Ngamwongwan 47 The owner is in a hurry to sell. Price cut from 17.9

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