There is nothing more special than this! Urgent sale for only 11.5 million baht, commercial building, 4.5 floors, 2 units, Charoen Krung 76/2, in front of the house will not hit anyone, parking for 4 cars, near Asiatique.

plus Created 2024-05-06 22:06
Boosted 9 hours
plus Create 2024-05-06 22:06
Boosted 9 hours


Urgent sale! Commercial building, 4.5 floors, 2 units, Charoen Krung 76/2, can park 4 cars in front of the house, wont hit anyone. Near Asiatique, mall, market, hospital, school, hotel, etc. Width 8 meters, depth 12 meters with a usable area of ​​over 432 sq m. Comes with 8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, parking in front of the house for 2 cars, 2 cars in the house, plus 2 air conditioners, remaining usable space. Suitable for living/office/doing business. If interested in making an appointment to visit, contact Mr. Game Contact number : LINE: Contact number Sabai Thailand Estate accepting consignments for sale of real estate Free credit consultation

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Urgent sale! Commercial building, 4.5 floors, 2 units, Charoen Krung 76/2, can park 4 cars in front of the house, wont hit anyone. Near Asiatique, mall, market, hospital, school, hotel, etc. Width 8 m

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