Condo for sale, Supalai City Resort Rayong, Studio room , not hot room, sea view, zone in the middle of the building, fully furnished.

plus Created 2024-05-09 16:52
Boosted 5 hours
plus Create 2024-05-09 16:52
Boosted 5 hours


Condo for sale Supalai Resort Rayong studio room Fully furnished, built-in kitchen, can move in immediately, the room is not hot. Not exposed to sunlight both morning and evening to see Located on Adulthammaprapas Road, convenient travel, near the factory zone. Studio room size 32.5 square meters On the 12th floor Near the elevator Next to Adul Thammaprapas Road. electrical appliance -TV -air conditioner -fridge -washing machine -microwave furniture -bed -wardrobe -Dining table and chairs - Dressing table facilities -Lobby -swimming pool -Exercise room -Shops within the project -Sky Lounge -Roof Garden -CCTV/Finger scan Nearby places -Sri Muang Golf -Bang Chak Road -Adul Thammaprapas Road -Rayong Technical College -Rayong Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 -Rayong Provincial Land Office Contact Tel : Contact number Tel : Contact number Line : @siripropm

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Condo for sale Supalai Resort Rayong studio room Fully furnished, built-in kitchen, can move in immediately, the room is not hot. Not exposed to sunlight both morning and evening to see Located on Adu

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