The owner is selling it himself. Champs Elysees Condo Srisaman-Tiwanon, Rare Item room, there is only one room in the entire building.

plus Created 2024-05-14 16:50
Boosted 2025-01-27 08:42
plus Create 2024-05-14 16:50
Boosted 2025-01-27 08:42


Urgent!!! Sold with tenant, receive rent 5,500 baht/month. The average return is more than 4% Room number 313/709 on the 7th floor Room size: 53.97 Location: Srisamarn-Tiwanon Price: 1,550,000 It is a Rare Item room. There is only one room in the whole building. Largest room size and balcony Guaranteed lowest price There is a spacious private balcony where you can comfortably place a table and chairs. There is built-in kitchen furniture, built-in storage cabinets, built-in wardrobes, and work desk. The entire room has a sofa, mattress, and bedding set. Complete with all electrical appliances **Price 1,550,000 baht**Half per person ***Bring your bags and ready to move in*** For more information / make an appointment to view the room, contact Dao at Contact number

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Urgent!!! Sold with tenant, receive rent 5,500 baht/month. The average return is more than 4% Room number 313/709 on the 7th floor Room size: 53.97 Location: Srisamarn-Tiwanon Price: 1,550,000 It is a

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