For sales, 19th floor, north corner room, beautiful view, “my own room“ 😊✌️

plus Created 2024-05-16 15:43
Boosted 2024-12-07 13:28
plus Create 2024-05-16 15:43
Boosted 2024-12-07 13:28


Lumpini Condo Town Ramintra - Nawamin, Building A 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, room size 25.5 square meters The room that I love and is the only room that has never been rented out. I moved out when I got married. Originally intended to be kept For time with relatives Coming from other provinces I will have a bed to sleep in. After 5 years, it appears that I have never slept. When Im not there, its like I dont care about him. So, sell it and let the new owner take care of my room. > Condo near MRT Pink Line, ready to move in immediately > The room is neatly decorated. With built-in furniture Suitable for both living in or renting out Price 1.5 million baht If interested, contact to inquire ☺️ 📞 Contact number Khun Big

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Lumpini Condo Town Ramintra - Nawamin, Building A 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, room size 25.5 square meters The room that I love and is the only room that has never been rented out. I moved out when I got m

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