Beautiful house, Lovely Home Village, Soi Wat Phanthai

plus Created 2024-05-17 20:34
Boosted 2024-12-16 19:01
plus Create 2024-05-17 20:34
Boosted 2024-12-16 19:01
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*** Special price at the end of the year *** 2-storey detached house for sale, Lovely Home Village, Phanthai Norasing, Samut Sakhon Area 106 sq m., located in the front zone of the project Size 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 parking spaces, spacious interior, built-in, shady house area, can travel in and out in many ways, both Soi Phanthai Norasing and Sarin City Road Highlights - Free SAF-HOUSE standard electric fence around the house (9000V DC) with newly installed CCTV cameras - The walls of the house are tiled, no more paint peeling problems - Pool view, catwalk, with space to expand - Sturdy outside kitchen Large steel frame, strong and safe - Electric fence is being installed around the project Nearby places Central Mahachai, Lotus Mahachai, Panthai Norasing Floating Market, Panthai Norasing Temple Contact Mr. Ike Contact number Line ID: Ikethaka

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*** Special price at the end of the year *** 2-storey detached house for sale, Lovely Home Village, Phanthai Norasing, Samut Sakhon Area 106 sq m., located in the front zone of the project Size 3 bedr

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