Townhouse, 3 floors, 2 parking spaces, 4 bedrooms, good location near MRT Huai Khwang, Sutthisan, Lat Phrao.

plus Created 2024-05-20 22:52
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plus Create 2024-05-20 22:52
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#For sale #House #Townhouse #Townhome #MRT Sutthisan #Huai Khwang #Ratchadaphisek #Lat Phrao (Expenses on transfer date 50/50) . #Details Area: 20.5 square wah Usable area: 170 square meters Characteristics: 3-story townhouse, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, parking for 2 cars. 5 air conditioners, large bathroom, divided into wet-dry zones. With water heater .#House highlight: worthwhile usable space Divided into zones for full use , parking for 2 cars within the fence 1st floor, space with a ceiling height of 3 m., airy, spacious with a balcony for a washing area. Can be made into a neat and proportional area for drying clothes Or you can arrange the corner of the balcony into a multi-purpose area Laundry zone area. The plumbing system for installing the washing machine is complete. Separate zones into proportions Storage room under the stairs with a 400 liter tank and a 400 watt water pump, Kikawa brand, 4 bedrooms with air conditioning Decorative materials WINDSOR vinyl doors and windows, 40% quieter than houses that use general aluminum, with insect screens The floor of the room is SPC flooring, warm minimalist. Durable SCG rain gutters at the front and back of the house support roof drainage Room with Wallpaper Suitable for living. Convenient to travel work in the city zone Bang Sue, Asoke, Lat Phrao, convenient Connects to Ratchadaphisek Road, Huai Khwang intersection. Connect to Lat Phrao Road Near the expressway Along Ramintra Expressway Or convenient to travel to various educational institutions Surrounded by 3 electric train lines - Blue Line MRT Huai Khwang Sutthisan -Yellow line Monirail Lat Phrao-Orange* Cultural Center (*opening in 2025) near educational places, international schools, universities Near Central East ville/Rama9 department store, Bic C near hospital. Doctor center ,Phraram 9 Hospital Piyavate Hospital There are options for receiving treatment.

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#For sale #House #Townhouse #Townhome #MRT Sutthisan #Huai Khwang #Ratchadaphisek #Lat Phrao (Expenses on transfer date 50/50) . #Details Area: 20.5 square wah Usable area: 170 square meters Character

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