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Blue Lagoon 2 Bangna - Wongwaen
The price has been reduced from 23 million to 16.9 million baht. Beautiful house at the end, a model house Facing south, not hot, cool breeze, best air, next to the common area in front of the project, 100 meters from the main road. Really special, you can't find this in this project anymore Full area additional construction, increasing the usable area appropriately by getting a large multi-purpose hall, which can be modified for full use or can be used as an office, ... Inside the house, it is beautifully designed, perfectly decorated with premium furniture Including dining set, sofa set, living room, kitchen Bedroom, bathroom in the laundry area Spaciously equipped with industrial-grade washing machines and dryers ... In addition, there is a stainless steel Thai kitchen, meeting the needs of a large house that you can really grow to your satisfaction
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