Townhouse for sale or rent in Phatthanakan 25, very good location, the house is almost on the main road, 22 wah, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 new air conditioners, fully furnished, 4 M Baht

plus Created 2024-05-28 22:24
Boosted 2025-02-19 20:20
plus Create 2024-05-28 22:24
Boosted 2025-02-19 20:20
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Townhouse for sale 22 square meters (sold by owner), very good location, Soi Phatthanakan 25, the house is almost on the main road that is able to do office. The house is very close to the market and restaurants that is easy to find things to eat. The back of the house and the bedroom balcony have a good atmosphere. There are 1 living room, 1 storage room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fully furnished with 3 air conditioners , the price is 4,000,000 baht, Very convenient to travel, can go in and out of many routes, including Phatthanakan Soi 25, Ramkhamhaeng Soi 24 and Rama 9 Soi 39/1, the house is 3.7 km. away from the entrance of Soi Thonglor on Phetchaburi Road, 3.5 km. from Hua Mak Station (the Yellow Line). Contact: Nat Tel. Contact number (owner)

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Townhouse for sale 22 square meters (sold by owner), very good location, Soi Phatthanakan 25, the house is almost on the main road that is able to do office. The house is very close to the market and

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