Selling down payment 1 bedroom, Building A, price 74,000 baht / sq m. Very good price!

plus Created 2024-06-01 17:19
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plus Create 2024-06-01 17:19
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Sell ​​down payment The Origin Centre Phuket, very good price room, plus there is no room on the opposite side, very suitable for investment to rent out. Because the price includes everything, a little over 2 million, you can stay in Building A, which is a building with complete facilities and the lobby is Hi-Ceiling, making there are very few rooms to live in. Sell down payment type One Bedroom 28.30 sq.m. Building A, 3rd floor, position 18, outside view ✅ A318 - 3rd floor, selling price includes everything 2,094,200 baht or only 74,000 baht per square meter. Get Fully Furnished, very suitable for buying to invest and rent out The owner sells it himself Interested, contact Por Line ID: por8549 Call Contact number

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Sell ​​down payment The Origin Centre Phuket, very good price room, plus there is no room on the opposite side, very suitable for investment to rent out. Because the price includes everything, a littl

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