2-story townhome for sale, ready to move in immediately.

plus Created 2024-06-13 19:54
edit Updated 2024-12-12 13:32
plus Create 2024-06-13 19:54
edit Update 2024-12-12 13:32
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2-story townhome for sale, decorated and ready to move in, next to Sukhumvit, near the Bangsaen sea. At Arinsiri Village @ Sukhumvit, great location, next to Sukhumvit-Chonburi Road, convenient travel, no traffic jams, close to the motorway entrance. Near Wannapha Beach, Burapha University, Bang Saen Sea, Nong Mon Market, hospital, department store. - Parking for 2 cars with roof, tiles in front of the house, back of the house, living room completely new tiles. -3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms -3 air conditioners (9,000 BTU 2 units, 24,000 BTU 1 unit) - 2 water heaters (upstairs bathroom) -Water pump + water reserve tank + built-in kitchen -curtain - There is a security guard 24 hours a day and CCTV. -There is a fitness clubhouse. children's swimming pool Adults serve The village is quiet and shady. If interested, contact Mr. Montree. Contact number Free transfer fee

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2-story townhome for sale, decorated and ready to move in, next to Sukhumvit, near the Bangsaen sea. At Arinsiri Village @ Sukhumvit, great location, next to Sukhumvit-Chonburi Road, convenient travel

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