Good price, beautiful room, pool view, owner is selling it himself, only 11.6 million baht.

plus Created 2024-06-18 18:41
Extended 2025-02-23 17:31
plus Create 2024-06-18 18:41
Extended 2025-02-23 17:31


For sale Ideo Q Chula-Samyan (has a real room, not fake) good price, beautiful room, pool view, owner is selling it himself, only 11.6 million baht 11.6 million including agent commission 300000 baht, transfer fee per person 1% mortgage fee 1% buyer pays specific business tax seller pays 12th floor, size 46.66 sq m, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, pool view , has garden There is a sky walkway. You can take the elevator on both the south and north sides There are 3 air conditioners, 1 kitchen counter , empty room , the owner sells it himself , contact the seller, Mr. Add Contact number

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For sale Ideo Q Chula-Samyan (has a real room, not fake) good price, beautiful room, pool view, owner is selling it himself, only 11.6 million baht 11.6 million including agent commission 300000 baht,

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