K1584 Urgent sale!!! Shophouse warehouse Charoenrat Road, 81 sq m, 5 floors, suitable for a factory. Parking for 4 cars in front of the house, Rama 3 area.

plus Created 2024-06-20 16:11
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plus Create 2024-06-20 16:11
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K1584 Urgent sale!!! Shophouse warehouse Charoenrat Road, 81 sq m, 5 floors, suitable for a factory. Parking for 4 cars in front of the house, Rama 3 area Price 28.5 million Details Area 81 sq m. Usable area 1,620 sq m. It is a shophouse with 3 units, extending through 5 floors, planted throughout the area Width 12 meters, depth 27 meters, 1st-5th floors are open space, except for the 2nd floor which is an office and kitchen This price is very cheap because it can be used to expand the business. The location is very good. 150 meters from Charoen Rat Road Near Soi Chalam Nimit, very convenient to travel, close to many expressways Nearby places Terminal 21 Central Rama 3 3 on tree ------------------------------- -------------------------------------- If interested, contact Coach Kung, call, Line085- 6644144 Follow Coach Kungs work at Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/grandlandproperty888?mibextid=2JQ9oc Line :https://line.me/ti/p/vrA1b9zg_S Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@kunggrandland?_t=8hrwaFDFvuL&_r=1 ##Coach Kung turns ordinary people into professional brokers and is also a real estate investment consultant and accepts sales of houses, condos, land in Bangkok and surrounding areas. With a professional, honest and sincere team

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K1584 Urgent sale!!! Shophouse warehouse Charoenrat Road, 81 sq m, 5 floors, suitable for a factory. Parking for 4 cars in front of the house, Rama 3 area Price 28.5 million Details Area 81 sq m. Usab

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