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Warehouse for rent, Lat Krabang, 341 sq m, next to the road [ R09D_1 ] :: details :: - Area 341 sq m. - 1 bathroom - 1 floor details HR09D-1 Prefabricated warehouse for rent Location: Lat Krabang, Romklao Warehouse size 15.5x22x6 meters, total 341 square meters. Water cost 20 baht per unit, excluding VAT. Electricity cost 8 baht per unit, excluding VAT. Bathroom size 1.20 x1.60 meters, 1 room Coordinates: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=13.790645,100.878621 Price: 42,000 baht per month If interested, contact: Lert Property Contact number Line: @LertProperty (with @ as well) or click the link: https://lin.ee/m7SEAzW . Accepting sales and rentals of houses, factories, condos, apartments, hotels, land, all types of real estate. Happy to give free credit advice. Business hours Monday - Saturday #Warehouse Lat Krabang #Warehouse for rent, Lat Krabang
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