Condo for sale, best position in Collezio Sathorn-Pipat building, 1 bedroom, 6.49 million.

plus Created 2024-07-17 17:04
renew date Renew 2025-02-26 14:47
plus Create 2024-07-17 17:04
renew date Renew 2025-02-26 14:47
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ColleZio Sathorn – Pipat near BTS Chong Nonsi, unblockview, facing the ambassadors house. The most beautiful view in the condo Its like having a private garden in front of the house. Shady atmosphere, this view, there are only 4 rooms in the building Location in the heart of the city, near Silom, Soi Lalaisap, St. Joseph School Room size 43.57 square meters, 1 bedroom type, open kitchen, room on the 7th floor, not hot Selling price 6.49 million baht If interested, chat or add Line to inquire at Line ID: Tel: Contact number -------------------------------------------------- -------Happy to give advice, complete care, complete good deals that we Find Your Premium Real Estate

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ColleZio Sathorn – Pipat near BTS Chong Nonsi, unblockview, facing the ambassadors house. The most beautiful view in the condo Its like having a private garden in front of the house. Shady atmosphere,

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