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The Monument Sanampao
🏠 The Monument Sanampao 📌Code:297955 💰Rent: 49,000 Baht 💰Sell: 11,990,000 Baht Transfer fee :50:50 🛌 Bedroom: 1 🛀 Bathroom:1 📏Size: 47 sq.m 🚊Location: BTS Sanampao (300 meters) Line voom pictures: https://linevoom.line.me/post/ Contact number03 More detail at: https://www.smartlivingbangkok.com Happy to chat:) Call or WhatsApp : Contact number Line id: @smartlivingbangkok // https://lin.ee/5FbVkAF #Luxurycondo #condoforsale #condoforrent #condonearBTS #themonumentsanampao
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