⭐️ For Sale /Rent Luxury design house within a compound on Ekkamai 22⭐️BTS Ekkamai3 stories house (High Ceiling) 4 Bedrooms

plus Created 2024-08-19 21:02
Boosted 2024-12-14 11:43
plus Create 2024-08-19 21:02
Boosted 2024-12-14 11:43


⭐️ Luxury design house within a compound on Ekkamai 22⭐️ *House Designed by Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA) is world-renowned as a leading design firm.* Details; Usable area 500sq.m in 49.9 sq.wah of land 🔸Fully furnished with electric appliances 🔹3 stories house (High Ceiling) 🔸4 Bedrooms: Each bedroom has an en-suite bathroom with Rain shower. 🔹5 bathrooms: Sanitary wares are European standard (kohler Rose Gold Edition) 🔸2 Living rooms (Double volume for master Living room) 🔹Dining room with open space kitchen (Wine cellar 46 bottles from Gorenje) 🔸Luxury brand Kitchen imported from Germany (Poggenpohl) with built-in dishwasher, hob, hood, micro-oven and oven from Gorenje by Philippe Starck 🔹Whisky room 🔸Built-in audio system by Russound 🔹Private Swimming Pool with Marble tiles (SALT SYSTEM) 🔸Private Elevator (Schindler) 🔹Separate Thai Kitchen 🔸Separate Maid quarter with bathroom 🔹3 parking spaces (Garage Door by Martin Door, USA) 🔸Ceiling Concealed Duct Air Conditioner by Daikin 🔹CCTV 🔸Hafele fitting *24 hours Security guards* Rent 450,000 per month For more info please contact รับขาย บ้าน ที่ดิน คอนโด และอสังหาริมทรัพย์ Oui (อุ๋ย) Tel : Contact number Line : https://line.me/ti/p/ybHiqQHugX WhatsApp : Contact number www.livinginsider.com/public_profile/1/yCCC.html

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⭐️ Luxury design house within a compound on Ekkamai 22⭐️ *House Designed by Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA) is world-renowned as a leading design firm.* Details; Usable area 500sq.m in 49.9 sq.wah of l

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