Townhouse for sale, Baan Klang Muang, British Town, Srinakarin, 3 floors, 5 levels, on Srinakarin main road, near the Yellow Line, Sri Lasalle Station, Makro and Big C, only 1 minute away.

plus Created 2024-08-22 14:33
Boosted 2024-12-24 17:00
plus Create 2024-08-22 14:33
Boosted 2024-12-24 17:00


Townhouse for sale, Baan Klang Muang British Town Srinakarin On the main road of Srinakarin. In front of the village is the Yellow Line BTS, Sri Lasalle Station. Close to Makro and Big C, only 1 minute away Size 20.60 square wah, 3 floors, 5 levels, usable area approximately 175 square meters, 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, the front of the house faces south. The house is at the end of the alley. On the opposite side is a wall, not opposite the other houses. Can park 1 car in the house and 1 more in front of the house Price 3,650,000 baht Interested, please contact Khun Koi, Tel/Line: Contact number

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Townhouse for sale, Baan Klang Muang British Town Srinakarin On the main road of Srinakarin. In front of the village is the Yellow Line BTS, Sri Lasalle Station. Close to Makro and Big C, only 1 minut

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