Land for sale, 8 rai 275 square wa, Highway 11, Sak Lek, Sak Lek, Phichit.

plus Created 2024-08-23 10:37
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plus Create 2024-08-23 10:37
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For sale, 8 rai, 2 ngan, 75 square wah of land, Highway 11, Sak Lek Subdistrict, Sak Lek District, Phichit Province The front is 100 meters wide, on a 6-lane road, Wang Thong - Sak Lek route, supporting prosperity The area is divided into 2 parts 1. The front part is the gas station business area of ​​3-2-90 rai, consisting of - Shop area, warehouse and trading area, dispenser usable area, office area, restroom area, oil well, engine oil pit - Wide area, solid floor, supporting large vehicles - The property is approximately 23 years old 2. The back part is the entire area remaining that has not been used - Can be improved to continue the business Or develop the land for other investments, restaurants, resorts Good location, near Sak Lek intersection. Land: yellow facing northeast Price 27 million baht, special discount 25 million baht Interested, contact Daow Contact number. Nearby places: Sak Lek Hospital, Sak Lek Police Station, Sak Lek Temple, Ban Tha Phikun School, Sak Lek Witthaya School, Sak Lek Passenger Transport Station, Sak Lek Public Health Office and Government Center, Sak Lek Municipality, fresh market, Lotus

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For sale, 8 rai, 2 ngan, 75 square wah of land, Highway 11, Sak Lek Subdistrict, Sak Lek District, Phichit Province The front is 100 meters wide, on a 6-lane road, Wang Thong - Sak Lek route, supporti

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