✨🏢 Second-hand condo that meets the needs of life, Good price, 1Bed 1Bath 32 m2 ,newly renovated, fully furnished, ready to move in, prime location, next to BTS Ram Intra 3 station.., a beautiful bedroom in a simple, luxurious white tone, a spacious livi

plus Created 2024-08-26 20:08
Boosted 2025-03-01 19:42
plus Create 2024-08-26 20:08
Boosted 2025-03-01 19:42


✨🏢A condo with a beautiful bedroom in a simple, luxurious white tone, a spacious living room, a closed kitchen, a dining corner with an open view, all ready to move in, next to BTS Owner post for sale Lumpini Condo Ville Ram Intra-Lak Si, move in right away. Or invest in renting out, its very worthwhile 🔥 transfer 50/50🔥 ✅️ 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 living room, size 32 sq m., corner room, open view, 9th floor ✅️ Built-in kitchen, a closed kitchen, separate rooms ✅️ New built-in furniture, everything as shown in the picture ✅️ Electrical appliances - 2 air conditioners 👉Make an appointment to view the room every day, free loan consultation Interested, contact ☎️LINE: @lingproperty https://lin.ee/TYvKinU ✅Nearby places: - Near BTS Ram Intra 3 Station - Central Ram Intra - Kasetsart University - Sripathum University - Ram Intra Market - Paolo Hospital ✅Route: - Pink Line and Green Line - Lak Si - Kaset Nawamin Rd. - Ram Intra Rd. - Khubon Rd. - Phahon Yothin Rd. - Expressway-Ram Intra - Motorway

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✨🏢A condo with a beautiful bedroom in a simple, luxurious white tone, a spacious living room, a closed kitchen, a dining corner with an open view, all ready to move in, next to BTS Owner post for sale

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