K1596 Selling at a loss!!! In great condition, 29 sq m., 2nd floor, Building D, garden view, brand new furniture, Bossom Condo, Sathorn-Charoen Rat

plus Created 2024-08-29 13:18
Boosted yesterday
plus Create 2024-08-29 13:18
Boosted yesterday


K1596 Selling at a loss!!! In great condition 29 sq m., 2nd floor, Building D, garden view, brand new furniture, Blossom Condo, Sathorn-Charoen Rat Selling for 2.55 million 1 bedroom 29 sq m. 2nd floor, Building D In great condition Balcony faces south Quiet, convenient transportation The owner lives there, never rented out The room is cool, not hot, very comfortable The common area has everything Swimming pool, fitness, sauna, coffee shop, restaurant, hair and nail salon, convenience store There are 2 electric car charging stations Convenient parking Very good location, close to Sathorn Expressway, Chan Road, only 500 meters Near BTS Surasak as well, probably only 500-600 meters There are lots of restaurants around here, and theyre all delicious Coach Kung Im from around here. There are a lot of markets. Its close to many expressways. If anyone comes to stay around here and doesnt know what to eat, you can ask via LINE. There are a lot of regular restaurants. Once youre around here, you dont want to move anywhere. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interested, contact Coach Kung, Tel, Line, click to view phone number Contact number Follow Coach Kungs work at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grandlandproperty888? mibextid=2JQ9oc Line: https://line.me/ti/p/vrA1b9zg_S Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kunggrandland?_t=8hrwaFDFvuL&_r=1 ## Coach Kung turns ordinary people into professional agents and is also a real estate investment consultant and accepts sales of houses, condos, and land in Bangkok and its vicinity with a professional, honest, and sincere team.

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K1596 Selling at a loss!!! In great condition 29 sq m., 2nd floor, Building D, garden view, brand new furniture, Blossom Condo, Sathorn-Charoen Rat Selling for 2.55 million 1 bedroom 29 sq m. 2nd floo

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