Condo for sale, ready to move in, fully furnished, good location near the beach, Na Jomtien Sai 2

plus Created 2024-09-04 15:17
Extended 2025-01-28 09:20
plus Create 2024-09-04 15:17
Extended 2025-01-28 09:20


🎪 Condo for sale Espana Condo Pattaya 🎈Selling cheaper than the project's front. Fully furnished, ready to move in Large swimming pool around the project, sauna, fitness Meeting room, movie room, boxing room, POOL table, etc. With complete facilities, there is a 7-Eleven under the building Restaurant, taxi, convenient for all travel Location: Near the beach, Na Jomtien Sai 2, near Poo Pen Restaurant Four Regions Floating Market, Tiger Park and many tourist attractions Room size 24.83 sq m., 3rd floor 🎀🎀 Selling price 1,890,000 baht Interested in seeing the actual place first. ⚜ The owner sells it himself ⚜ ✅ Contact number ✅ IDLine: socoolyouknow

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🎪 Condo for sale Espana Condo Pattaya 🎈Selling cheaper than the project's front. Fully furnished, ready to move in Large swimming pool around the project, sauna, fitness Meeting room, movie room,

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