This room is sold with tenant who has already paid Upfront for 2 years. Rent 550,000 baht/month.

plus Created 2024-09-05 13:13
renew date Renew 2025-02-20 17:01
plus Create 2024-09-05 13:13
renew date Renew 2025-02-20 17:01
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Where do you guys like the Branded Residence? The service is like a hotel. One of them, Emmy would like to present The Residence at Kempinski Langsuan. How great would it be to buy a room and get free rent This room is being sold with a tenant who has already paid the Upfront for 2 years. The rent is 550,000 baht/month Unit Type: 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms 1 maid's room Usable area 337 sq m. Selling price 159 million baht As for the service and society, Emmy thinks that friends already know well about the service like that of a prince or princess. Emmy probably doesn't need to describe the features until it's tiring. If you're interested in making an appointment to view the room, you can call Emmy at Contact number or contact the team at Line: @cozyproperty Line: Chat page:

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Where do you guys like the Branded Residence? The service is like a hotel. One of them, Emmy would like to present The Residence at Kempinski Langsuan. How great would it be to buy a room and get free

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