Very cheap sale, new condition condo, next to Na Jomtien Beach, built in a magnificent style, one of the most magnificent in Pattaya.

plus Created 2024-09-17 14:57
Boosted 2024-11-25 10:13
plus Create 2024-09-17 14:57
Boosted 2024-11-25 10:13


Discover living at the Grand Florida Water Park Condo, Na Jomtien Pattaya. 36 sq.m. condo on the 7th floor with 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, pool view and perfectly decorated. Facilities include fitness, large swimming pool, 24 hour security system, and restaurant. Seaside atmosphere, can walk down to the beach - Sofa set for living room - 5 foot bed - Wardrobe - Living room set, 40" TV - Built-in kitchen - 1 water heater - 2 air conditioners - 1 microwave - Bathroom divided into 3 zones: shower, bathroom, washbasin room

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Discover living at the Grand Florida Water Park Condo, Na Jomtien Pattaya. 36 sq.m. condo on the 7th floor with 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, pool view and perfectly decorated. Facilities include fitness, la

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