(33,650 baht per sq m) Condo for sale, Chanyayon Condominium, 107 sq m, 6th floor, 360 degree Doi Suthep view, near Suthep Walking Street, Irrigation Canal, Suthep Subdistrict Municipality, Chiang Mai Highland Road, selling for only 3.6 million, inquire a

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plus Create 2024-09-16 19:44
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Condo for sale, size 107 sq m., 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, has a Jacuzzi , 1 kitchen, 1 living room, 360 degree view of Doi Suthep, 6th floor, Chanayon Condominium selling for only 3.6 million, all expenses on transfer day split in half, excluding mortgage registration fees near Suthep Walking Street, Irrigation Canal, Chiang Mai Highland Road TEL: Contact number Line: 14home Condo coordinates https://maps.app.goo.gl/EH3LXdP8Hxn3S8K69 Near Grand Mai Hom Hotel 350 meters SPEED GYM 450 meters Grain Cafe 500 meters Su Thep Municipality 600 meters B2 Premier School 600 meters Somtam Hello Solar 750 meters Nantakwang Restaurant 800 meters Khum Wiang Yong 800 meters Su Thep Walking Street 850 meters Wat Rampaeng (Tapotharam) 1.0 km Benjarong Khantoke Restaurant 1.4 km One Nice Chiangmai 1.5 km Khao Tom Yong 3.4 km Wat Suan Dok 3.9 km Suan Dok Park 4.1 Km. Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital 4.4 km. One Nimman 4.4 km. Maya Mall 4.7 km. Chiang Mai University 5.3 km. Pimanthip Golf Course 5.9 km. Wualai Walking Street 6.7 km. Central Airport 7.1 km. Chiang Mai Airport 8.0 km. ---------------------------------- Ask for an appointment to view the room Contact number LINE : 14home #SellChanyonCondo #Condo near the irrigation canal #Condo with a view of Doi Suthep #Condo near the irrigation canal #Two-bedroom condo in Chiang Mai

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Condo for sale, size 107 sq m., 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, has a Jacuzzi , 1 kitchen, 1 living room, 360 degree view of Doi Suthep, 6th floor, Chanayon Condominium selling for only 3.6 million, all expe

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