House for sale in Siwali, on Ratchaphruek Road (corner house), only 700 meters from Central Westville.

plus Created 2024-09-20 10:21
Boosted 6 hours
plus Create 2024-09-20 10:21
Boosted 6 hours
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🆕 New arrival !! Siwali Village on Ratchaphruek Road (corner house) near Central Westville 👉 Special only 12.5 million baht👈 ✅ Your chance to own a quality home from Land & Houses at an affordable price. Excellent location, convenient transportation. The project is on Ratchaphruek Road, ready to move in ✅ What you will get from this house 1️⃣ 2-storey detached house, end house, size 77 square wah 2️⃣ 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms 3️⃣ Usable area 250 square meters 4️⃣ The ground floor has an extension to add a bedroom on the ground floor. Suitable for the elderly or can be used as a workroom Nearby important places: 📍 Central Westville - 700 meters 📍 Crystal SB - 300 meters 📍 The Walk - 1.1 kilometers 📍 Denla School - 3.7 kilometers 📍 Rama 5 Market - 3 kilometers 📍 The Circle Ratchapruek - 7 kilometers 📍 Ratchapruek University - 2.7 kilometers 📍 Ruamrudee International School Ratchapruek Campus - 4.2 kilometers Directions - From Ratchapruek Road, head towards Rama 5 Roundabout, about 700 meters past Central Westville, the village is on the left, on the main road For more information or to visit the house, contact 😀 Chaiyos Piphatsirikhajorn (Honda) ☎️ Contact number (add line)

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🆕 New arrival !! Siwali Village on Ratchaphruek Road (corner house) near Central Westville 👉 Special only 12.5 million baht👈 ✅ Your chance to own a quality home from Land & Houses at an affordable

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