Urgent sale, luxury hotel, EEC area with license, in the heart of Ban Chang, Rayong Province, 10 minutes from U-Tapao Airport.

plus Created 2024-10-11 16:31
renew date Renew 2025-02-06 21:21
plus Create 2024-10-11 16:31
renew date Renew 2025-02-06 21:21


Urgent sale, luxury hotel, EEC area with license, in the heart of Ban Chang, Rayong Province - 10 minutes from U-Tapao Airport - 10 minutes from Hat Phayun Beach Brand new hotel in a prime location in the area. EEC **Price** 45,000,000 baht (lower than the appraised price) Bank appraisal 47.8 million **Land details:** 1 rai 3 ngan 88.4 square wah (788.4 square wah / 3,154 square meters) **Main facilities:** - 3-storey hotel building - 2-storey hotel building - 1-storey restaurant building - 2 roofed parking lots and 1 uncovered parking lot - 5 pavilions - 4 mushroom-shaped wooden pavilions - Control buildings and structures on the land such as swimming pool, walkways around the pool, concrete fences and roads **Additional facilities:** - Large saltwater swimming pool - Poolside bar - Pool table - Football table - Solar power system to save electricity

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Urgent sale, luxury hotel, EEC area with license, in the heart of Ban Chang, Rayong Province - 10 minutes from U-Tapao Airport - 10 minutes from Hat Phayun Beach Brand new hotel in a prime location in

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