For sale: Zelle Salaya Condo, Building 1, 4th floor (south side, garden view), area 30.43 square meters, with furniture, Salaya Subdistrict, Phutthamonthon District, Nakhon Pathom Province

plus Created 2024-10-27 21:03
Boosted 2025-02-17 10:21
plus Create 2024-10-27 21:03
Boosted 2025-02-17 10:21


For sale: Zelle Salaya Condo, Building 1, 4th floor (south side, garden view), area 30.43 square meters, with furniture, Salaya Subdistrict, Phutthamonthon District Nakhon Pathom Province Price 1,520,000 baht + Area 30.43 square meters + 1 bedroom + 1 bathroom + 2 air conditioners + Automatic mosquito netting + 2 layers of curtains to block UV light + 5-foot bed and mattress, Slumberland brand, with 3D headboard + Wardrobe + Dressing table + Sofa + TV shelf + Chandelier + Remote control downlight + Kitchen counter + Built-in electric stove + Hood + 50-inch Smart TV + 9 cu. ft. 2-door refrigerator + Dining table + Water heater + Key card ——————————— ️ Zelle Salaya Condo, 1-story building 4 Parinsiri Project is located on the main road, Salaya - Nakhon Chai Si. Convenient transportation. There are many buses passing by. Near shopping malls, hospitals and educational institutions ——————————- ️ Facilities : + Security system + CCTV + Library + Fitness + Swimming pool + Parking ——————————- Nearby places : - Makro Salaya - Central Salaya - The Brio Salaya - Salaya Hospital - Salaya Small Animal Hospital - Kanchanabhisek Medical Center - Ratchakosin Somphot School - Mahamakut Buddhist University, Salaya - Mahidol University Salaya ----------------------------------------- See more properties: ----------------------------------------- Coordinates: Zelle Salaya Condo Building 1 ————————————- For more information, make an appointment to view the property line: nanashoes ️ tel. Contact number (Na) Real estate consultant ----------------------------- Our real estate services + Accepting sales, rentals, and mortgages + Accepting transfer of ownership + Real estate agent training ——————————— #NaAssetinternal #Assetinternal #Real estate agent #Real estate sales cell #Real estate agent #Accepting house sales #Real estate agent #Real estate agent accepting house sales #Good real estate agent #Real estate agent #Selling Salaya condo cell #Selling ZelleSalaya #Selling Salaya condo #Real estate agent #Real estate agent #Professional agent #Professional real estate agent #Real estate agent #Good agent #Professional agent

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For sale: Zelle Salaya Condo, Building 1, 4th floor (south side, garden view), area 30.43 square meters, with furniture, Salaya Subdistrict, Phutthamonthon District Nakhon Pathom Province Price 1,520,

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