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Pleno Westgate
Townhome 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 parking spaces Electrical appliances - 3 air conditioners (1 downstairs / 2 upstairs) - Refrigerator - Washing machine - Microwave - Electric stove - Hot air oven - Fan - 65 inch TV Furniture - Sofa - Sofa bed - 6-foot bed with mattress - Wardrobe - Dressing table - Work desk - Kitchen counter - Dining table for 4 Minimum long-term contract of 1 year Monthly rent of 15,000 baht (including common fees) 📎 1 month advance rent 📎 25,000 baht security deposit (no installments) If the tenant takes good care of the house and there is no damage during the rental Security deposit fully refundable after end of lease 📎 Pets allowed (under supervision and cleaning) Short-term contract minimum 6 months Monthly rent 17,500.- (including common fee) 📎 1 month advance rent 📎 Security deposit 25,000.- (no installments) If the tenant takes good care of the house with no damage during the lease, the security deposit will be fully refundable after end of lease 📎 Pets allowed (under supervision and cleaning) If interested, please contact Contact number Line : paproperty89
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