For Sale **Vacant room, condition as shown, has washing machine and bird net, 2 air conditioners** Plum Condo Central Phase 1, 12th floor, size 25 sq m., includes all items as shown in the picture.

plus Created 2024-11-03 16:23
Boosted 2025-01-27 16:22
plus Create 2024-11-03 16:23
Boosted 2025-01-27 16:22


---Condo, good condition, ready to move in Buy and move in right away -- Plum Condo Central Phase 1, 12th floor, corner room, 25 sq m., room number 188/293 Price 1.4 million baht, title deed ready for transfer, transfer fee 50/50 **This month//'s promotion, buy today, free parking fee, mortgage price 14,000-15,000 baht** Furniture - Sofa + sofa side table - Beautiful bar style dining table + 2 bar chairs - TV shelf + TV - 5-foot bed + mattress with bed sheet set - Wardrobe - 2 sets of curtains, curtains included, very new room - ++Bird net included++ Electrical appliances - 1 TV - 2 air conditioners - 1 microwave - 1 water heater - Washing machine "Pros and Cons" - Can be used for personal living or investment because it is a rare corner room with high privacy. Can be rented out at a good price (the selling price can generate a profit of 4-5 %) - The room is not shabby. You almost don//'t have to do anything more when you buy it - Title deed ready for transfer, not tied to the bank, free mortgage fee ---Free loan consultation, no expenses--- "Observations" - It is a northwest-facing room that gets slanted late afternoon sun - It is on the middle floor, not very high Contact: Sin (Agent) Take a tour of the room, Khun Sin Tel : Contact number Line : @agentsin E-mail Contact email Room details Deposit before purchase : 20,000 baht Room type :1 bedroom Room area size :25 m2 Room is on the :12th floor, northwest and south Number of bedrooms :1 room Number of bathrooms :1 room

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---Condo, good condition, ready to move in Buy and move in right away -- Plum Condo Central Phase 1, 12th floor, corner room, 25 sq m., room number 188/293 Price 1.4 million baht, title deed ready for

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