(Corner room, beautifully built, high floor) Condo for sale, Plum Rama 2, Phase 1, Building C, 7th floor, large room, 28.75 sq m., beautifully built, ready to move in, selling for only 1.35 million.

plus Created 2024-11-16 12:08
Extended 2025-01-02 16:09
plus Create 2024-11-16 12:08
Extended 2025-01-02 16:09


Condo for sale, Plum Rama 2, Phase 1, Building C, 7th floor, large room 28.75 sq m, beautifully built, ready to move in Selling for only 1.35 million, each party pays half of all transfer fees, excluding mortgage fees, but negotiable because the agent is kind Near Bangmod Hospital, Central Rama 2, Big C Tha Kham, Rama 2 Expressway, Thai Watsadu Rama 2 The Bright Decathlon, Lotus Rama 2, Index and SB Furniture Condo location https://goo.gl/maps/BNGXbu5ziXYaGNmf8 TEL: Contact number LINE: 14home #plumcondoextrarama2 #Condo for rent #Condo near Central Rama 2 #Condo Rama 2 #Plum Condo Bangmod #Condo under 7,000 #Rama 2 accommodation #condoforrent #estatebkk #plumrama2 #Accept real estate for sale and rent #Condo near Bangmod Hospital #Pruksa Condo #Ready to move in condo #Condo on Thonburi side #Condo for sale Rama 2

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Condo for sale, Plum Rama 2, Phase 1, Building C, 7th floor, large room 28.75 sq m, beautifully built, ready to move in Selling for only 1.35 million, each party pays half of all transfer fees, exclud

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