
*Condo down payment sale Regent Home Bangna**Condo down payment sale Regent Home Bangna*

plus Created 2024-11-25 18:38
Boosted 2024-12-31 14:41
plus Create 2024-11-25 18:38
Boosted 2024-12-31 14:41


*Condo down payment for sale, Regent Home Bangna* *** Contract price 1,200,000 baht*** - Reservation fee 10,000 baht - Contract 30,000 baht - Down payment 5,000 baht per installment - Contract change fee 3,000 baht 💥This selling price does not include reservation fee, contract payment, installment payment, and contract change fee💥 A 910 garden view + 30,000 Down payment in full 165,000 baht + contract change fee 3,000 baht = 168,000 baht Remaining transfer payment to the project 1,035,000 baht A 1943 West direction, head of bed faces north, in the first building, open view🛶 sees the river, Bang Krachao view +70,000 A 2337 West direction, head of bed facing north, in the first building, open view 🛶 see the river, Bang Krachao view +80,000 A 2419 80m. from Ideo, East direction +55,000 A 2616 East direction balcony, garden view, no building in the project block +70,000 B 916 West direction, open view 180 degrees +60,000 B 1133 East direction, pool view🌈Regents Garden view🌳forever +100,000 B 1126 (corner room, one wall not attached to anyone) 180 degree open view +90,000 baht B 1127 (special plan corner room) 180 degree open view +100,000 baht B 1639 Open view of Phraya River, Bang Krachao view🌳 +70,000 B 1731 East direction, pool view +70,000 baht B 2030 East direction, pool view +70,000 baht B 2625 Open view of Phraya River, Bang Krachao view🌳 +200,000 B 2819 Chao Phraya River view, city view, this room has the best view, hard to find +95,000 B 2919 Chao Phraya River view, city view, this room has the best view, hard to find +90,000 B 3107 Corner room, combined room can be made into a suite ** attached to corner room ** +80,000 Expressway view, city view, waterside view. Normally, combined rooms, if bought from the project, must be bought 2 rooms, bought as a pair, cannot be bought separately B 3108 Corner room, combined room can be made into a suite ** corner room ** +80,000 Expressway view, city view, waterside view. Normally, combined rooms, if bought from the project, must be bought 2 rooms, bought as a pair. Cannot be purchased separately D 906 +55,000 Garden view and pool view at eye level, 80m from Building B D 916 + 75,000 Outside view, see the garden of Ideo *not in line with the temples crematorium D 1930 Pool view, garden view in the project🌈+55,000 baht D 2817 Outside view, open view + 85,000 Contact Contact number Line; @kwstudio

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*Condo down payment for sale, Regent Home Bangna* *** Contract price 1,200,000 baht*** - Reservation fee 10,000 baht - Contract 30,000 baht - Down payment 5,000 baht per installment - Contract change

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