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Twin house on the corner of Rong Po with garden area on the side of the house, quiet atmosphere

plus Created 2024-11-27 15:42
Boosted 2024-12-14 07:58
plus Create 2024-11-27 15:42
Boosted 2024-12-14 07:58
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Golden opportunity ❗House in a project with a quiet atmosphere, reasonable price, second-hand corner twin house, very good condition 3Beds 2Baths - House 2 parking Banglamung , Chonburi, Thailand 📍Life Garden Home Rong Po Village Twin house, corner house North facing front of the house Area 42.7 sq m. Next to the house is a shady garden area. Cool atmosphere 🏡What's included in the house 1. 3 air conditioners, 2 bedrooms and 1 living room 2. Kitchen extension set at the back of the house and balcony next to the house 3. Furniture inside the house ✅In front of the village, there are facilities such as 7-11, CJ, Lotus ✅Good security system ✅Public park ✅Playground ✅Exercise equipment Annual common fee is 13,200 baht (if there is no discount) Only 3 million Transfer day expenses are half each ✨Interested in asking for more details, making an appointment to see the house✨ 📱Khun Nuchy Contact number #Secondhand house for sale #Secondhand house #Beautiful house Chonburi #Ban Rong Po #Ban Takhian Tia #Cheap house #House in good condition

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Golden opportunity ❗House in a project with a quiet atmosphere, reasonable price, second-hand corner twin house, very good condition 3Beds 2Baths - House 2 parking Banglamung , Chonburi, Thailand 📍Lif

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