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80 square wah of vacant land, good location suitable for building a house, a vacation home in the Jittaree Ville project Quiet location, suitable for relaxation, retirement -Near the Cancer Hospital -Near the market -Near Rajamangala -Near the swimming pool -Near restaurants -Near convenience stores : : For more information, please contact : : Ms. Atchima Charupaibun TEL : Contact number LINE ID : @r1.estate LINE : https://lin.ee/0fw312G Accepting sales-rentals-buys-mortgages houses, condos, land and all types of real estate #KhunnaiMohKapInvestment #Realtyone #Realtyoneestate #R1 #JittareeVilleProject #LampangHousingEstate #LampangSingleHouse #Lampang houses and land #Lampang houses #Buy houses in Lampang #Sell houses in Lampang #Single-storey houses in Lampang #Two-storey houses in Lampang #Land in Lampang #Review houses in Lampang #Jitareevill #JitareevillProperty #Jitareevill Village #Jitareevill Village Lampang #JitareevillLampang #Jitareevill
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