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Centric Ratchada - Sutthisan
📍Centric Ratchada-Suthisan near MRT Suthisan ✅Selling price 2.89 million baht ✅(Free transfer) ❌Price: 3.5 million baht❌ 26th floor (highest floor) Size: 31.62 square meters Corner room: pool view, city view on the other side Layout: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 living room, 1 kitchen Furniture and electrical appliance details -Bed, mattress-Sofa -Dining table and chairs -TV -Washing machine -Refrigerator 🚆MRT Sutthisan 50 meters 👮Next to Sutthisan Police Station 🏘️Huai Khwang Market, Muang Thai Phatra Complex Building, New Stock Exchange Building, True Tower Building Make an appointment to view the house or consult on a loan for free Call Contact number K.Nop
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