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Brixton Pet&Play Phahol 50
Brixton Pet&Play Phahol50 Newly opened condo, ready to move in Pets allowed, the only one on Phaholyothin location Using material specifications to support pets in the room Close to Sai Yud BTS Station only 300 meters, convenient to enter the city Fully furnished common area 1 Bedroom room Starting size 22.5 sq m. Starting price 2.39 mb Interested, please contact / add Line for more details Line : D.dearii Call : Contact number #OriginCondoWorthLiving #OriginCondoForNewGeneration #PetFriendlyCondo #NewCondoReadyToMoveInPetsAllowed #CondoNearBTS #Phahol50sation #BTSSaiYud #petandplay #origincondo #originproperty Urgent sale condo Convenient to travel anywhere, near BTS, easy to find food Good for investment Good for living in Selling at a cheap price, negotiable If interested, chat or call me.
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4.5 Km.
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