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Unio Sukhumvit 72
🛎️ Agent Post (already attached to a co-agent) Selling a beautiful room UNIO Sukhumvit 72 phase 2 Size 22.68 sq m, 4th floor With water heater Bed, mattress, sofa bed New condition, never rented out The owner comes to stay occasionally No bargaining Selling with completion 1,200,000 baht Transfer fee ~ Stamp duty 50/50 Shared common area fee, averaged until the day of transfer of ownership Deed ready for transfer **Loan service and care until the day of transfer of ownership*** ☘️☘️In case of slow response on Line...please call the customer☘️☘️ 📲Lucky Ning (Ning): Contact number 🌲Line ID: Contact number 💖Line Link: https://line.me/ti/p/MKQMy2FC7v 🏆E-mail: Contact email 📲ying (Ying): Contact number 🌲Line ID: Contact number 💖Line Link : http://line.me/ti/p/~ Contact number 📚FB page link : More condos, please click link 👇 https://www.facebook.com/PropertySookJai888 #PropertySOOKJAI888 #PropertySOOKJAI888 #Professional management #Follow up customers #Take care of and be responsible for the work until the contract ends #condoforrent #Accepting condo, house, land for sale #Renting condos, houses #Selling all types of real estate #Free loan services #Buying and selling condos, houses, land #Accepting condos for sale #UnioSukhumvit72
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