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Land Charan Sanit Wong 52 next to the Chao Phraya River 📍 Land Charan Sanit Wong 52 next to the Chao Phraya River (FOR SALE) 📞 Contact : HOME - REAL ESTATE SERVICES Tel : Contact number LINE : @homethailand (with @) "Because we believe in good quality of life.. Starting from a home❤️" _____________________________ HOME - REAL ESTATE SERVICES Professional real estate company To help make trading smooth and complete with a team and experience of over 1,000+ cases ✨ We take care of the loan for buyers with special interest rates, only for HOME customers ✨ We know you better than you ever knew Provide in-depth advice from local experts ✨ We take care of consignment without any charges Taken care of by local experts Help plan, provide information, maintain benefits, and take care of the sales process from start to finish ✨ Buy, mortgage, if you need urgent money, the company is ready to buy immediately! _____________________________ Follow Us On : Website : https://www.homerealestateservices.co.th/ Facebook : HOME - Real Estate Services IG : homerealestateservices Tiktok : homerealestateservices Youtube : HOME Real Estate Services #HOMEREALESTATESERVICES #Accepting consignment sales #Accepting house sales #Accepting condo sales #Accepting land sales #Real estate agent #Professional agent
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