Urgent sale, 2 floors, corner detached house, Pef Village, Ram Intra Ring Road (AM1220)

plus Created 2024-12-19 09:29
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plus Create 2024-12-19 09:29
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Urgent sale 2 floors, corner detached house, Pave Village, Ram Intra Wongwaen (AM1220) Property code AM1220 (Please inform the property code every time so that the Admin can check the room faster.) Corner detached house, Pave Village, Ram Intra Wongwaen Soi Kanchanaphisek 4, turn right at Chatuchak Expressway, 2 minutes to the house Brand new, never occupied Land area 57.1 sq.w. Usable area 168 sq.m. (original) 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Parking for 2 cars Built-in kitchen 2 air conditioners, 2 heaters, 1 range hood, some furniture, curtains, wrought iron, mosquito screens, burglar alarms throughout the house SCG cement sheets around the house There is a lot of space left for expansion Beginning of the project The neighbors are lovely, quiet, peaceful facing south and the house is open for viewing every day If interested in making an appointment to view the room, contact Phone number: Contact number LINE:@property4home (add @ as well)

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Urgent sale 2 floors, corner detached house, Pave Village, Ram Intra Wongwaen (AM1220) Property code AM1220 (Please inform the property code every time so that the Admin can check the room faster.) Co

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