For sale: Single house, Burasiri Panya Intra, size 217.2 sq m., European style house, good location, convenient transportation

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For more information or to make an appointment to view the room, please contact: Max, Terry Estate Tel: Contact number Line id: tppro WhatsApp: Contact number Telegram: Contact number 1. European style house (New England Colonial) 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 living room, 2 parking spaces, size 54.3 sq m. 2. Convenient transportation, close to several main roads such as Kanchanaphisek Road. (Ram Intra Ring Road - Motorway) 3. Decorations, additions - Kitchen with stove set + hood 4. Special promotions - Free transfer of ownership - Air conditioners in every bedroom 5. Transfer fee to be paid by the buyer Complete facilities such as - Clubhouse with an American Newport feel, next to a lake, swimming pool - Lighthouse with a view of 15 meters high - Gardens / public parks - Fitness / exercise room - Half-Olympic size saltwater swimming pool - Children's swimming pool - Kid's Room

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For more information or to make an appointment to view the room, please contact: Max, Terry Estate Tel: Contact number Line id: tppro WhatsApp: Contact number Telegram: Contact number https://terryest

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