For sale: Single house with swimming pool and roof terrace, The Jade Pool Villa, 174 sq m, 69.6 sq wa, beautiful view, near main road

plus Created 2024-12-26 16:41
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plus Create 2024-12-26 16:41
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For sale, single house with swimming pool and rooftop, The Jade Pool Villa, 174 sq m, 69.6 sq wa, beautiful view, near the main road :: Highlights :: - There is a private swimming pool - There is a rooftop, suitable for parties, barbecues, parties - Beautiful house, good design, minimalist style mixed with loft - Beautiful view, see the mountains - Good weather all year round - With air conditioner installed :: Details :: - Size 0 rai 0 ngan 69.6 sq wa - Area 174 sq m. - Type 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms - Number of floors 1 - The front door faces North - The front of the house is 13.8 meters wide, 20 meters deep - The road in front of the house is 6 meters wide - The building is about 2 years old - Located in the green zone :: Nearby places :: - Highway 1001 50 meters - Ban Phuwai School 800 meters - Ban Thung Luang School 3.4 km. - Wat Ang Hin 4.9 km. Coordinates:,99.858803 Price: 3,500,000 baht Interested, please contact: Phanuwat Contact number Line: @363ykwoi Accepting all types of real estate for sale, complete service until transfer of ownership Accepting purchase of houses, condos that need to be sold urgently

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For sale, single house with swimming pool and rooftop, The Jade Pool Villa, 174 sq m, 69.6 sq wa, beautiful view, near the main road :: Highlights :: - There is a private swimming pool - There is a ro

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