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One large bedroom, closest to the river, less than 3 million or 70,000 baht per square meter.

plus Created 2025-01-13 18:30
edit Updated 2025-01-18 17:36
plus Create 2025-01-13 18:30
edit Update 2025-01-18 17:36
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Sell ​​down payment One bedroom type 37.50 sq.m., 9th floor, river bend view and Krungthep Bridge This room layout is only available on each floor. It is a one-bedroom type with the most space. There are many highlights of the project. Lets talk about the interesting features of Type 1D1 room. What are they? ✅ It is a one-bedroom type with the most usable area, which is 37.50 sq.m., while other types are 35 sq.m. While the price per sq.m. of this room is very good value, less than 80,000 baht / sq.m. ✅ Open and airy room view. This layout room, when you open the door into the room, will feel wide because the front of the room has a wide area from the dining area, which is a closed kitchen with glass. While the view out to the bedroom is through the full glass partition, allowing you to see the view from the moment you open the door into the room. ✅ Suitable for those who need a lot of Wail-in closet space. If you look at the layout, you can build an I-Shape wardrobe along the entire length. ✅ The walls separating the bedroom and living area are extra thick and are not adjacent to other rooms. Room 917, 9th floor, position 17, total selling price 2,925,000 baht or 78,000 baht per sq m. This price is compared to the product, location and specifications (Supalai provides good things in this project and the common areas are quite complete, meeting actual usage) as well as the relatively low density of units in the project or a very high percentage of parking compared to newly opened condos. And it is still conventional parking. This is the most worthwhile condo at the moment. Interested, contact Line ID: por8549 Call: Contact number

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Sell ​​down payment One bedroom type 37.50 sq.m., 9th floor, river bend view and Krungthep Bridge This room layout is only available on each floor. It is a one-bedroom type with the most space. There

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