Down payment for sale: Terra Phase 2, east side, 21st floor, open view

plus Created 2025-01-15 14:22
Boosted 2025-02-12 17:09
plus Create 2025-01-15 14:22
Boosted 2025-02-12 17:09


- Selling down payment on Terra Phase 2, east side, 21st floor, open view - Room 2102 and Room 2103 are adjacent rooms - May be connected rooms - This direction is already sold out from the project - Right now the price has not increased much, but if its near completion, it may increase by a hundred thousand or several hundred thousand baht - If buying a single room, add 50,000 baht per room (from a reservation fee of 10,000 baht, contract fee of 40,000 baht, name change fee of 5,000 baht, down payment of 5 installments of 5,500 baht each) - If buying 2 rooms at the same time, reduce from an additional 100,000 baht per 2 rooms to an additional 90,000 baht per 2 rooms (from a reservation fee of 10,000 baht, contract fee of 40,000 baht, name change fee of 5,000 baht, down payment of 5 installments of 5,500 baht each) Baht per room) - The owner sells it himself - If interested, please contact Contact number.

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- Selling down payment on Terra Phase 2, east side, 21st floor, open view - Room 2102 and Room 2103 are adjacent rooms - May be connected rooms - This direction is already sold out from the project -

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