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[For Sale] - Noble Revole 1 - Special floor, only 4 units on the whole floor, the most private in the building, can park 2 cars, new condition, owner sells and lives there himself all the time.

plus Created 2025-01-20 14:14
Boosted 2025-02-19 18:06
plus Create 2025-01-20 14:14
Boosted 2025-02-19 18:06
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Penthouses Room Penthouses Room


Selling price: 9.75 million baht (all expenses on the transfer date at the Land Department, each party pays half) Reason for selling: Owner/resident moving abroad How is our condo better than others???? 1. There are only 4 units on the whole floor, eliminating problems with noise and neighbors 2. The room has 2 bathrooms, 2 separate bedrooms, 2 families can comfortably live in it 3. The special unit has a ceiling height of 4 meters, so you won’t feel cramped even if you’re living with many people 4. You get permanent parking for 2 cars since it’s a special unit, available only on this floor. In addition, you can switch cars up to 6 times in case you need to switch, but no more than 2 cars can be parked 5. The condo is on the penthouse floor (the top floor), with a full view 6. In this area, all the way to Asoke, and nowhere else can offer this 7. The condo is fully decorated and uses the best materials Total decoration cost is over 1 million baht Number of bedrooms: 2 Number of bathrooms: 2 Floors: Top floor 38 Interested persons please contact: Grace(Owner) Contact number

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Selling price: 9.75 million baht (all expenses on the transfer date at the Land Department, each party pays half) Reason for selling: Owner/resident moving abroad How is our condo better than others??

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