🔥Special price, luxury home 5b6b 36.8mb - Setthasiri Bangna KM.10

plus Created 2025-01-22 13:17
Boosted 2025-02-17 17:03
plus Create 2025-01-22 13:17
Boosted 2025-02-17 17:03
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Project : Setthasiri Bangna KM.10 ID : EBH-620NAR 5 Bed 6 Baht House Area :377 sqm Land Area : sq.wah Selling Price : 36,800,000 THB . Contact, Appointment for viewing. call : Contact number Line: @eastblue / https://lin.ee/yNwHbFs WhatsApp: Contact number . View more listings on our website: https://www.eastbluerealestate.com/en❗️❗️Co-Agent contact Line@ Only❗️❗️. . 📍The largest house size 5 bedrooms, the best price in the project! 📍Selling a new house, beautiful location, in front of the garden and clubhouse 📍Walk a few steps from the house to the central garden, swimming pool and the clubhouse 📍Auspicious house number, good feng shui, gold position to receive wealth 📍The house faces south, no electric pole/transformer in front of the house 📍Turn from the main road into the house, do not pass through a small alley 📍Near Mega Bangna, just a U-turn 5 bedrooms | 6 bathrooms | 1 living room | 1 upstairs relaxation room | 1 food preparation area | 1 dining area | 1 kitchen | 1 maids room | 3 parking spaces

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Project : Setthasiri Bangna KM.10 ID : EBH-620NAR 5 Bed 6 Baht House Area :377 sqm Land Area : sq.wah Selling Price : 36,800,000 THB . Contact, Appointment for viewing. call : Contact number Line: @ea

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