Single house, The Grand Rama 2, decorated and extended, ready to move in, has air conditioner, furniture, very cheap price

plus Created 2025-01-31 20:24
Boosted 2025-02-03 14:17
plus Create 2025-01-31 20:24
Boosted 2025-02-03 14:17
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🏠 Single house, The Grand Rama 2, fully furnished, ready to move in, with air conditioners and furniture, very cheap price Single house, ready to move in, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 air conditioners The Grand Rama 2, Phanthai Norasing, Mueang Samut Sakhon Land 52.5 square wah, additional renovation, vinyl roof, tiles around the house --------------------------- 🎁 Beautiful house, good quality, price you can afford The project is located on Rama 2 Road, convenient to travel, easy to find food Good environment, worth living, the common area has a large lake, a clubhouse, a swimming pool ------------------------- Future Home second-hand house Free loan service ..!! Every bank All occupations can borrow .. Whatever you want, we can arrange it Make an appointment to see the house Contact number, Contact number Line Future Home second-hand house Search by number Contact number ---------------------- #Single house #Second-hand house #Ready-to-move-in house #Cheap house #House #The Grand House #Beautiful house #2-storey house #Cheap single house #Cheap second-hand house #Ban Phanthai #Samut Sakhon house #Good house #Single house Rama 2 #Rama 2 house #Thonburi house #Housing project #Sell second-hand house

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🏠 Single house, The Grand Rama 2, fully furnished, ready to move in, with air conditioners and furniture, very cheap price Single house, ready to move in, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 air conditioners T

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