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Sirimetro Ratchada - Vipawadee
Condo for sale Siri Metro Vibhavadi Rangsit 16, empty room, studio, 4th floor (AM1356) Property code AM1356 (Please inform us of the property code every time so that the Admin can check the room more quickly.) Siri Metro Vibhavadi Rangsit 16/Ratchadapisek 19, studio room 23.48 sq m, 4th floor Empty room. New renovation, very beautiful, neat, minimal Personal cars can access both of Ratchadapisek 19 and Viphawadee-rangsit 16. and Ratchadapisek 19 Public Transport Train : Ratchadapisek MRT station and Mochit BTS stattion Near MRT Ratchadapisek station (5 minutes) and BTS Mochit station (7 minutes) Shopping Mall -Nearby Central Lardprao Mall -Terminal 21 Park near the park, relax and exercise and Warchira benchatat Park Near Wachirabenchatat Park (Rotfai Park) Big C Lat Phrao, in front of the alley there is Lotus Express Additional facilities -Fitness -Parking 1 car per room, not fixed, car park available Common area 35 baht/sq m.Sirimetro Condo Studio 4th Floor Interested in making an appointment to see the room, contact Tel: Contact number LINE:@property4home (Please include @ as well)
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4.8 Km.
14.2 Km.
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